Maverick provides a supportive and positive learning experience in which
members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills,
resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
You are cordially invited to attend a weekly meeting of the Maverick Toastmasters Club!
We are now meeting in person at Oak for Less / Amish Furniture Creations
1660 S Alma School Rd #100
Mesa, AZ 85210 Oak for Less is located on the west side of Alma School Road, just south of the US-60.
Please... to protect our hosts' inventory, bring water only; no food or other beverages will be allowed in the showroom except as publicized for special events..
Day: Weekly on Tuesdays
6:45 - 7:00 pm: Optional Meet and Greet
7:00 - 8:30 pm: Club meeting
Got questions? Email Alicia at .
Schedule: Holiday coming up? Check our 4-week schedule anytime to verify we are meeting on a particular date or see a listing of any upcoming events we may have.
Maverick Vision
Club Mission Maverick provides a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.
Every Toastmasters club meeting seeks to practice four core skills - prepared (formal) speech presentation, impromptu speaking, evaluation, and leadership - and Maverick is no exception. What then will set this newer club apart? We are seeking to take "A fresh approach to a timeless program!"
Our vision includes a special emphasis on the following:
A vibrant mentoring program
Every member will have a mentor and will eventually mentor a fellow member. Resources will be provided for mentoring within the Toastmasters program. We may also explore the possibility of forming professional or personal mentoring relationships between our members at some point in our club's future.
We understand that not everyone will be immediately comfortable serving as a mentor to someone else, so this program will be instituted with the understanding that mentoring is an additional skill that needs to be learned and practiced.
New Toastmasters will be able to take advantage of the substantial experience of fellow members. Within our small budding group, we already have five Distinguished Toastmasters (the highest level of achievement in the Toastmasters educational program -the Ph.D. of Toastmasters, if you will) and several Advanced Toastmasters.
Deliberate relationship building
Our hope that regular opportunities to have fun as a group outside of the normal club meeting environment has already become an important part of our club culture.
During our club's history, we have already had several special events: 10 annual Spooky Tales contests just before Halloween which consistently draw over 30 costumed members and guests and features brave contestants from several different clubs, Holiday potluck parties in December, anniversary parties, and more. We will continue to seek any excuse to celebrate as a group.
A commitment to fun, creative meeting programs
While working within the framework of practicing the Toastmasters core skills named above, we can be as creative with our meeting programs as we want. Our meetings will maintain a level of professionalism and formality expected of a Toastmasters meeting, but with a unique flair and sense of adventure. We most definitely have fun together while learning our vital skills.
Frequently Asked Questions
Note: Occasionally, the responses below will not be applicable due to our current situation with Covid.
Toastmasters International is a non-profit educational organization that teaches public speaking and leadership skills through a worldwide network of clubs. Headquartered in Englewood, Colo., the organization's membership exceeds 357,000 in more than 16,600 clubs in 143 countries. Since 1924, Toastmasters International has helped people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, communicators, and leaders.
We practice communication and leadership skills that are vital to success in work life and personal life. Improving these skills help raise confidence and improve self-esteem. The five main sections of a Toastmasters meeting are the opening, prepared/formal speeches, Table Topics (impromtpu speaking), feedback, and closing.
Like all other Toastmasters clubs, we will have goals to meet and best practices to follow. Our special areas of focus will be on creating a vibrant mentoring program, adventurous meeting programs, and a special focus on building friendships among our members through regular social events.
There are a lot of reasons people join a Toastmasters club, but members often realize benefits they never expected when they joined.
Plus, your timing couldn't be more perfect! Toastmasters has recently launched a more individualized personal development educational program called Pathways. You'll start with a 25-question assessment to narrow down your personal goals and interests. Toastmasters International will then suggest a couple of different leaning "Paths" for you based on your answers to the assessment. As you can see, the program will be tailored to your individual needs.
To give you an idea of the different "Paths" you can pursue to meet your personal goals, here are the different Path titles: Dynamic Leadership, Effective Coaching, Innovative Planning, Leadership Development, Motivational Strategies, Persuasive Influence, Presentation Mastery, Strategic Relationships, Team Collaboration, and Visionary Communication, and now, Engaging Humor. Each different Path will include speech and other communication projects and leadership projects designed to help you achieve your personal and/or professional goals you've set for yourself. Each project within those Paths will have their own objectives and purpose statements the member is striving to meet.
Want an example? Click here for every new Toastmaster's first project, the Ice Breaker.
For more information on the Pathways program, please click here. Or click here to view a PDF file on all the different Paths, their core competencies, and requirements.
Other more generalized benefits of the Toastmasters program include an increase in self-confidence, building a more positive self-image, networking, developing positive friendships, and so much more.
Not to participate at the first meeting or to visit as our guest.
For new members to join the club, there will be a $25 one-time new member fee ($20 for Toastmasters International and $5 for Maverick), which will cover getting you set up on the Toastmasters International online interface, a subscription to the monthly Toastmasters magazine, and your first Path. Dual, transfer, or reinstated Toastmasters are exempt from this $25 new member fee, unless you need to purchase a Path. For such returning or transfer members, Paths are $20 each and additional Paths may be purchased at any time.
Membership fees are $63 for six months.
Prorated Dues Schedule:
October or April: $88.00
November or May: $77.50
December or June: $67.00
January or July: $56.50
February or August: $109.00*
March or September: $98.50*
*Includes your $63 renewals with your membership application and prorated dues as we would be collecting renewal fees at this time.
No, you won't. You can visit multiple times before making up your mind. If you know you're ready to join, click here to download our membership application form.
Yes, membership in a Toastmasters clubs requires a minimum age of 18. Because Maverick places a very high priority on mentoring, motivated, commited high school students may be welcome to attend and participate as though a full member on a case by case basis, but official Toastmasters International acknowledgement of progress through the educational system must wait until after the student's 18th birthday. We ask that a parent sponsor join the club so that through the parent, the student will have access to the online educational materials.
Most DEFINITELY! If you'd like to invite your friend, co-worker, family member, or neighbor to visit Maverick Toastmasters with you, we'll love you even more! Also feel free to download and share any of our special event flyers.
It could be - check with your accountant. Toastmasters is a 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization. We have our own EIN tax number to reference on next year's taxes.
Toastmaster: The meeting emcee. Introduce other functionaries and speakers. This role teaches us how to effectively run a meeting and how to communicate effectively in advance.
Speaker: Prepare, rehearse, and present a speech based on Pathways projects. Pathways is a new Toastmasters education program that enables Toastmasters to further personalize their learning experience within our organization. For more information on Pathways, please click here. This aspect of Toastmasters is why most people join Toastmasters. Elective Pathways projects helps to further individualize this training process for personal and/or professional development. A skill that is often overlooked but is essential is that of being able to receive feedback - both positive and critical and the role of speaker definitely promotes a healthy development of this skill.
Evaluator: Provide feedback to speakers, including comments on how well they met speech project objectives and offer opinions on how the speech could be improved. To become an excellent speaker, it is wise to strive to become an excellent evaluator. This role combines listening skills, time management skills, critical thinking skills, speech writing skills, presentation skills both prepared and impromptu, and much more.
Wordmaster: Offer a vocabulary word for meeting participants to learn and incorporate into their speeches (whether formal or impromptu) during the meeting. This role helps us to increase our vocabulary.
Grammarian: Comment on excellent uses of the English language and offer suggestions for improvement. This role helps us to improve our English and grammar to make a better impression on our listeners.
Ah-Counter: Track meeting participants' use of pause fillers or verbal crutches (such as ah, um, uh, er, you know, and excessive use of connectors like and, but, and so). This role helps improve our fluency and to help us sound more professional and credible. It is a [sometimes frustrating] process but one that is extremely effective.
Timer: Time speeches, table topics responses, and evaluations and provide visual signals when timing objectives have been met and/or exceeded. This role helps us develop time management skills.
Table Topic Master: Prepare questions based on a meeting theme and ask members at random to help with impromptu speaking skills. Very little of our daily communication is scripted so the impromptu speaking skill is essential to develop for interviews, social situations, every time you answer the phone, and unexpected business meeting reports.
General Evaluator: Facilitate feedback portion of meeting and provide feedback on the meeting overall. This role helps us practice facilitation skills, providing effective feedback, and meeting quality.
Jokemaster: Prepare a joke to share with the club. This role adds levity to our meetings and helps us learn to incorporate humor.
Word of Wisdom: Share a quote or two that imparts wisdom to the club. This role is just what it sounds like - we simply want to impart some wisdom before we adjourn for the night.
President: Club CEO - ensure the club is fulfilling the mission of a Toastmasters club, members are being retained and the club is growing.
VP Education: Ensure the club is providing a positive environment and members are learning and growing.
VP Membership: Build membership and retain members.
VP Public Relations: Publicize club meetings and special events.
Secretary: Keep and maintain records, including correspondence with Toastmasters International World Headquarters.
Treasurer: Keep clear and accurate financial records.
Sergeant at Arms: Maintain club equipment, arrange meeting room, greet all members and guests.
VP Mentoring: Manage Maverick's mentoring program
Officers serve 1 year terms (July 1 - June 30). The role of President has a one-term limit and is the only role with a term limit.
Toastmasters is a self-paced program so the more you put into it, the more you will get out of it. However, your commitment level to the program affects not only your progress, but also that of your fellow members as everyone relies on feedback and energy provided by others. Of course, we will not ask you to commit to attend every week, but as frequently as you are able. Your presence will be missed when you are unable to attend.
YES!!! There are many other clubs around - evening, morning, lunchtime; almost every day of the week.
If you're looking for a morning club, we recommend Superstition Toastmasters.
Other clubs may be more ideal depending on your location and availability, or even your place of employment.
If you need something a little father south, we recommend Power Play.
Absolutely. If you are a quaking-in-your-shoes-your-boss-is-making-you-do-this-against-your-will prospective new member, we will meet you where you are! Every new member comes in with a different work and personal history, different skill set, and different needs.
If an employer is requiring you to do this (before you resign, give us a chance; we can help you!!), or a friend or family member or coworker has "highly suggested" you get involved in Toastmasters but for whatever reason you don't feel you are up to the challenge, we'll work with you to raise your confidence. If you need to answer your first table topics question from the back of the room facing away from the rest of the club members, we'll do that for you. If you need to deliver your ice breaker speech directly to your individual mentor with your back to the audience, we can make that happen.
We'll take you where you are and raise you up.
Toastmasters 101
Toastmasters began at a YMCA in Santa Ana, CA by Dr. Ralph C. Smedley, in October 1924. The mission at the time was "training in the art of public speaking and in presiding over meetings." The name "Toastmaster" was chosen in the hopes it would appeal to the target people group of young men.
In 1930 the organization turned international with the opening of a club in British Columbia, Canada.
Eight years later, District 3 was organized, earning it the distinction of being the first District outside the state of California. These days, there are over 200 Toastmasters clubs with over 3,000 members in the Arizona District.
World wide, the 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization boasts a membership of nearly 250,000 members in more than 12,500 clubs in more than a hundred countries.
Organizational Structure
A group of approximately 20 (though this varies by quite a bit) Toastmasters
President and 7 other club officers
A group of 4-6 Clubs in a relatively close geographical area – ours is called Area D3, which includes clubs in Mesa
Area Director
A group of 6-7 Areas in a relatively close geographical area – ours is called the Division D, which includes Areas in Tempe, Mesa, and Chandler
District Director, Program Quality Director, Club Growth Director, Administration Manager, Finance Manager, Public Relations Manager, District Executive Committee, District Council
Board of Directors, President, Executive Committee
Club Awards
The Distinguished Club Program is a set of 10 goals every Toastmasters club worldwide strives to achieve during the Toastmaster year of July 1 through June 30. The goals are as follows:
Education goals:
Four Level 1 Awards
Two Level 2 Awards
Two more Level 2 Awards
Two Level 3 Awards
One Level 4, Level 5, or DTM Award
One more Level 4, Level 5, or DTM Award
Membership goals:
7. Four new members
Four more new members
Training goal:
9. A minimum of four club officers trained during each of the two training periods
Administration goal:
10. On-time payment of membership dues accompanied by the names of eight members (at least three of whom must be renewing members) for one period and on-time submission of one club officer list
The club qualifies for the program with 20 or more members by June 30th, and awards are earned as follows:
Achieve five out of 10 goals: Distinguished Club
Achieve seven out of 10 goals: Select Distinguished Club
Achieve nine out of 10 goals: President's Distinguished Club
Maverick's Award History
Maverick chartered in February of 2012, well into the Toastmasters year. New clubs are not expected to achieve Distinguished Club status the year they charter, but Maverick was Select Distinguished that year.
2012-2013: Select Distinguished
2013-2014: President's Distinguished
2014-2015: President's Distinguished
2015-2016: President's Distinguished
2016-2017: President's Distinguished
2017-2018: President's Distinguished
2018-2019: President's Distinguished
2019-2020: President's Distinguished
2021-2022: President's Distinguished
2022-2023: President's Distinguished
2023-2024: President's Distinguished
Other Awards:
2014 Talk Up Toastmasters Winner
2016-2017 Home Club of the Area Director
2018 Talk Up Toastmasters Winner
2018-2019 Home Club of the Area Director
2019-2020 Home Club of the Area Director
2019 Beat the Clock Winner
2022-2023 Home Club of the Division Director
2022 Beat the Clock Winner
2022-2023 Home Club of the Club Growth Director
2023-2024 Home Club of the District Director
It is our goal to be President's Distinguished every year.
Here is our current Distinguished Club Program status - watch our progress throughout the 7/2024-6/2025 Toastmasters year:
Contact Us
To RSVP for one of our meetings or if you have any additional questions, please send us an email at .
Contact any of our officers directly with specific questions:
President: Ben H. (email: ) - oversees club operations
VP Education: Mariah H. (email: ) - scheduling, orientation, and education
VP Membership: Alicia K. (email: ) - helps guests become members
VP Public Relations: Jason E. (email: ) - brings guests into the club
VP Mentoring: Chad R. (email: ) - manages the mentoring program
Secretary: Niki L. (email: ) - minutes and records keeper
Treasurer: Michael M. (email: ) - manages club finances and dues
Sergeant At Arms: Rahul S. (email: ) - meeting set up, manage club inventory
The names "Toastmasters International," "Toastmasters," and the Toastmasters International emblem are trademarks protected in
United States, Canada, and other countries where Toastmasters Clubs exist. Unauthorized use is prohibited.
The information on this website is for the sole use of Toastmasters' members for Toastmasters business only.
It is not to be used for solicitation and distribution of non-Toastmasters material or information.
Currently Meeting Both Online via Zoom and In Person at
Oak For Less / Amish Furniture Creations
1660 S. Alma School Road, STE #100
Mesa, Arizona 85210
Serving members from the East Valley - Mesa, Chandler, Gilbert... and beyond. All are welcome!